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search in city: Hampshire
Search conditions: city Alresford, field of activity Agriculture & Food
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Companies UK Companies in the state of Hampshire
Cataloxy Alresford...Companies in AlresfordAgriculture & Food in Alresford

Agriculture & Food in Alresford

8 companies founded

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Huxley Golf

Huxley Golf, the British company that's leading the way around the world with our innovative and premier quality all-weather golf surfaces.
General rating: 4,8
Recommend: 2
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Big Green Egg

is open now Opening hours
Mon — Sun:around the clock, no break
is open now Opening hours
It's probably something like: you love the idea of it, but in reality, it takes one person a lot of effort to create burnt,...
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Alresford Salads

Salad distributors Executives of Alresford Salads: Site Manager, Mr Steve Turner
General rating: 4,5
Recommend: 1
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Chocolate Craft

Chocolate Craft
General rating: 5
Recommend: 1
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Warwick Trailers T/a Ceejay Systems

Warwick Trailers T/a Ceejay Systems - Private Limited
Warwick Brothers have been manufacturing Agricultural, Car and Landrover trailers for 50 years supplying both the UK and overseas markets.
General rating: 4
Recommend: 1
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Robin Sharp Agric-engs

Harrows, disc Ploughs, disc Spreaders, hopper type, agricultural Crop irrigation equipment, permanent Soil sterilisation equipment Combine...
General rating: 2,8
Recommend: 1
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R M Trailers

R M Trailers - Private Limited
Delivering innovative solutions driven by specialist expertise - Tex Engineering
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Itchen Valley Brewery

Itchen Valley Brewery - Private Limited
The Heart of Hampshire
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